Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Running Maps
King of the Hill
Long Bridge
Track your own
Upland CutoverThis is a nice little break from the same old Pine Crest Loop. Pine street and up through the cemetary. Once you are at the
bottom of the hill on the other side and have rounded the corner, watch for a driveway size road to the right and take that.
Stay right at the fork and when you get to upland take a left and hook into Pine Street and back to the HS.
0 mile(s)
next 5 days
Nothing on the schedule
full schedule
I run because it's my passion, and not just a sport. Every time I walk out the door, I know why I'm going where I'm going and I'm already focused on that special place where I find my peace and solitude. Running, to me, is more than just a physical exercise... it's a consistent reward for victory!
- Sasha Azevedo