Eating DisordersEating disorders such as bulimia anorexia can cause a great deal of problems for atheletes. First stage:Energy level for workouts Ability for body to recuperate during rest Ability to concentrate Second stage: Decreased bone density Injuries, pulled muscles, stress fractures, broken bones Third stage: osteoporosis heart problems death The ability to run better comes from strength, and by denying yourself the proper nutrition you deprive your body of the food it needs to develop and maintain it's strength. Improper nutrition means that the athlete is eating food, but the type of food does not adequately meet their needs. Fried foods, sodas, high sugar snacks should all be consumed in moderation. Good nutritional practices incorporate the basic food groups: grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy, and meat/poultry/fish. Athletes' diets should be high in complex carbohydrates while also including essential proteins and fats. In addition, athletes should be drinking 10 or more glasses of water per day. For additional nutrition information please click here. |