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NXN Northwest Regionals11/15/2008 Sandpoint XC Club took 18 runners to the NXN Regional Cross Country meet in Boise this last weekend. The weather was fantastic and the runners were happy to have one more race for the year. Megan Bartlett finished her high school cross country career with a 29th place finish in the 160 runner Championship race, running against athletes from 6 states.
Kat Vardell was 30th in the Open Division race, and joining her were Molly Burgstahler and Calena Lawson. In the boys Open Division Adam Denham of Clark Fork placed 10th with a 16:49, and Tony Charvoz was the top runner in for Sandpoint. Matt Sisson, Mason Foster, Jerry Prummer, Ethan Kopieki, Josh Kopsa, Kevin Pfeifer, Dylan Hay, Niklas Niennas and Mike Richardson also competed for Sandpoint.
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Runners have balls; all others just play with them.
- Unknown