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Select Group race at Prestigious Pasco Invite04/18/2015
Four Sandpoint distance athletes ran at the prestigious Pasco invitational on April 18th. Mark Kennaly ran in the 400, running a 51.63 to place 8th out of 28 athletes from all of the Northwest. Kenny Kovalchuk ran the 800 in a time of 2:06. In the girls races, Hannah Davidson ran a 4 second PR and finished with a 2:26, placing her top in our region and in the top 10 in the State. Mikhaela Woodward qualified for the Elite Mile, and finished with a 5:38.
To compete at this meet, an athlete must meet a qualifying standard. These 4 met these standards, as well as Rainey Woodward and Katherine Kaul who were unable to compete at the meet.
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You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.
- Steve Prefontaine