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Spokane Valley Invite09/24/2011
While many of the SHSXC team was healing up, those that ran had terrific results and the Eric Anderson Invitations in Spokane Valley this Saturday. For the Boys, Tim Prummer and Spencer Marks ran 18:17 and 18:21 respectively in the Varsity race on the 3.04 mile course, moving them up on the boys varsity pack. In the JV race, Grant Kennaly continued to improve, running an 19:22 and earning a spot on Varsity for the next meet.
The girls team continued to improve their pack, lead by Paula PaƱos and Jacey Lawson in the girls Varsity race. With 6 of 7 Varsity out, Paula and Jacey ran 22:16 and 22:46, earning a place on the varsity for the Sandpoint Invite.
Next up is the Home Meet on October 8th.
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A runner must run with dreams in his heart.
- Emil Zatopek